Ask Them: 1) Why did you change the feeds there and not here? 2) Why do you provide hidden functionality that is not hidden? (You are hidden until you are taken or hit, and then you are “identified”, tagged, and aggregated) 3) Why is the response on how to protect my orders in YOUR system, the canceling and replacing thingamajig? So I have to be more labor intensive to use your “productive” technology, so that I can marginally protect myself? Aren’t you supposed to protect me in your system? 4) Do you really think it is not a big deal (more…)

Please watch this interview. Jim Cramer’s best. And Jim Cramer manned up, admitted that he defended HFT in the beginning, admitted he was wrong,  and explained why he changed his tune. We are big fans of Senator Kaufman, and I am now a big fan of Jim Cramer. Kaufman Interview Hey Jim; Nice job. (more…)